Nothing here is final yet

Specification of some things is not yet possible

  • Title Name should be in the language of the release's target audience.
  • While I'm personally against the use of "AKA" in Title Name. E.g., "The Exorcist AKA Egzorcysta". Note that some places may prefer or even have a rule to require it's use.


    Filename Recommendations Log Book

    All: Usenet go brrr... Let's stop using `+` in DD+

    Like a year or two ago

    It's a wide issue for a lot of systems and places to strip the `+` from `DD+` from filenames resulting in reuploads without that `+` spreading wide and far. It is advised to use `DDP`.

    Recommendation by: HDB

    WEB-DL: The confusion with x264/x265

    Like a year or two ago

    Since some people believed `x264` or `x265` being in the filename of WEB-DL releases meant it was re-encoded, it is now advised to use the actual codec name (`H.264` or `H.265`).

    Recommendation by: HDB


    • Add a way to specify episode ranges, e.g., E01E03 for Ep 1 and Ep 3, or E01-E03 for Ep 1, Ep 2, and Ep 3.
    • Make the inputs go yellow/orange if u choose usually conflicting options. E.g. USA region but PAL standard.
    • Add warning not to use `&` in Episode Name, unless it's to separate episode names, e.g. 2x10min format shows.
    • Add way to use x264/x265 for encodes.